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Gum & Bone Health
Gum & Bone Health

Welcome to Rise Dental Studio, where we proudly deliver outstanding periodontal care in New York City’s Garment District. We are committed to providing quick and efficient care without compromising on the quality of service. As a leading periodontal treatment provider in NYC, we offer a wide array of services, including advanced procedures like pinhole gum surgery, gum grafting, and laser treatment for periodontal disease, among others.

Why Choose Rise Dental Studio as Your Periodontist in NYC?

Making Rise Dental Studio your primary periodontist in NYC means entrusting your oral health to two of the most accomplished professionals in the field. Dr. Michael Abrams and Dr. David Stein are not just highly trained, experienced doctors, but also a vital part of our patient-empowerment culture. Whether you need a basic periodontal scaling and root planing or a detailed gum reshaping procedure, we are here to ensure your visits are efficient, beneficial, and positively memorable.

What is a Periodontist and What Do They Do?

A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. Periodontists complete additional education and training beyond dental school to become experts in managing conditions that affect the gums, periodontal ligaments, and jawbone. Their ultimate goal is to help patients maintain good oral health and minimize the risk of tooth loss. Some periodontal procedures include:

  • Scaling and root planing
  • Pinhole gum surgery
  • Gum disease treatment
  • Dental bone graft
  • Gum graft surgery
  • Gum lift, or recontouring
  • Laser periodontal therapy

At Rise Dental Studio, our periodontist specialists Dr. Michael Abrams and Dr. David Stein combine their wealth of experience with a sincere passion for helping patients achieve better oral health. By choosing Rise Dental Studio, you get more than just excellent periodontal care; you receive comprehensive support from experienced doctors who value relationships, education, and maintaining the highest standards of dental health.

Gum & Bone Health

Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease, also known as gingivitis, is a common oral health issue characterized by inflammation of the gum tissue. It occurs when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, builds up on the teeth and gums. Gum disease treatment is a progressive process, escalating in stages based on severity and response to initial treatments. If gum disease is sufficiently managed by a given treatment, then further interventions might not be necessary. This allows a modular and stepwise approach to your care that we can carefully calibrate to your needs. These stages of gum disease treatment are:

  • Scaling and root planing: This initial phase of treatment involves deep cleaning the teeth to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria buildup from the tooth surfaces and below the gumline, smoothing the surfaces to help gum tissue reattach to the teeth.
  • Identify any underlying causes: Assessing and rectifying issues like a cracked tooth or misaligned bite, which can exacerbate gum disease.
  • Arestin: A localized antibiotic applied directly to the infected gum pockets to help control and eliminate the bacteria that is causing infection.
  • Surgical interventions: In cases where non-surgical treatments are insufficient, surgical procedures may be necessary, such as gum or bone grafting, or laser periodontal therapy.

Addressing and treating gum disease in its early stages is of utmost importance. When left unchecked, the inflammation can progress into a more severe form that affects the bones supporting the teeth, leading to the weakening of the tooth structure and eventual tooth loss. Rise Dental Studio offers comprehensive gum disease treatments to help prevent the progression of gum disease.

What is Laser Periodontal Therapy?

Laser periodontal therapy is a leading-edge approach to treating gum disease, designed with patient comfort and healing in mind. This modern protocol uses laser technology to zero in on affected areas, remove diseased tissue, eliminate harmful bacteria, and stimulate the growth of healthy gum tissue. For patients at Rise Dental Studio, this means several key benefits:

  • Minimally invasive procedure: As opposed to traditional surgery, laser periodontal therapy is less invasive, making the treatment much more comfortable.
  • Rapid recovery: The use of laser technology typically results in faster healing and recovery times, allowing patients to return to their normal routine sooner.
  • Less discomfort: The precision of the WaterLase laser system minimizes postoperative discomfort such as pain and bleeding, enhancing your overall experience.
  • Preservation of healthy tissue: The specificity of the laser allows for precise targeting of diseased tissue, leaving healthy surrounding tissue unharmed.

Rise Dental Studio is proud to offer this high-end technology as a part of our commitment to patient-centered care. By using the WaterLase system, we're able to provide exceptional periodontal treatments tailored to your needs.

Pinhole Gum Surgery for Recession

Gum recession is a dental condition in which the gum tissue surrounding the teeth recedes or pulls back, exposing more of the tooth, or in severe cases, the tooth's root. This can occur as the result of several factors, including:

  • Gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Genetics
  • Aggressive tooth brushing
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Hormonal changes or aging
  • Tobacco use

When gum recession occurs, it's not just a cosmetic issue. It can also pose serious health risks, as the root exposure may lead to increased sensitivity, root damage, and tooth loss. This is where pinhole gum surgery may be able to help. Pinhole gum surgery is a minimally invasive procedure designed to restore the gum line without the need for incisions or sutures. The primary benefits of pinhole gum surgery include:

  • Less pain and discomfort compared to other surgical treatments.
  • Faster recovery time, as there are no incisions or sutures.
  • The effects are visible immediately after treatment, improving your smile and confidence.
  • Only the affected areas are treated, leaving surrounding healthy tissue intact.

With pinhole gum surgery, we at Rise Dental Studio are equipped to handle gum recession comfortably and effectively, helping our patients achieve not only healthier gums but also revitalized, beautiful smiles.

Gum Graft Surgery for Recession

Gum grafting, also known as gingival graft or periodontal plastic surgery, is a surgical procedure that involves taking gum tissue from another area in the mouth (often the palate) or using synthetic material and attaching it to areas where gum tissue has receded, in order to cover exposed tooth roots and restore the gum line. Gum grafting is a more invasive procedure than pinhole surgery, and it is generally called for in more advanced cases of recession. The choice between the two procedures depends on several factors, including your preference, the severity of gum recession, and your specialist’s recommendation.

In either case, addressing gum recession can help you:

  • Reduce tooth sensitivity
  • Prevent root decay
  • Prevent tooth loss
  • Improve smile aesthetics

At Rise Dental Studio, we offer both pinhole gum surgery and gum graft surgery as solutions to gum recession, ensuring our patients receive the treatment that best fits their individual needs and circumstances.

Bone Recontouring

A gum lift, also known as gum reshaping or recontouring, is a dental procedure that primarily aims to adjust the gum line for cosmetic purposes. For more information on the cosmetic aspects of this treatment, visit our Cosmetic Dentistry page.

However, gum recontouring is not exclusively for cosmetic purposes. There are several non-cosmetic reasons for undergoing this procedure, which may include removing pockets as part of gum disease treatment and accessing teeth for restorative purposes.

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is a dental procedure that restores the jawbone's natural height and volume when it has been lost due to tooth extraction, gum disease, or injury. Dental bone grafting offers several benefits, such as:

  • Allowing restorations: The strengthened bone structure can underpin implant-supported dental restorations like crowns, bridges, and dentures.
  • Protecting dental implants: By reinforcing the jawbone, bone grafts can increase the longevity and success rate of dental implants, contributing to a more stable and comfortable bite.
  • Preserving facial structure: Bone grafting can help maintain the natural shape of the jawline and prevent facial sagging due to bone loss.
  • Promoting bone regeneration: Bone grafts can stimulate and accelerate the growth of new bone tissue in the treated area.
  • Preventing further bone loss: By addressing weak or thinning areas through bone grafting, we can help you prevent further deterioration and protect adjacent teeth.

At Rise Dental Studio, our focus is on providing treatments that not only address immediate dental concerns but also contribute to the longevity and overall health of your smile. A bone grafting procedure is a prime example of how investing in your smile today can yield dividends in your oral health tomorrow.

Your NYC Periodontists Are at Rise Dental Studio in Midtown

At Rise Dental Studio in Midtown, our skilled NYC periodontists provide top-quality, personalized treatment options like gum grafting, gum reshaping, and bone grafting to address various periodontal concerns. Whether repairing gum health, enhancing aesthetics, or strengthening the jawbone for dental implants, our team utilizes advanced technology and expertise to help maintain a healthy and attractive smile for life. Don't wait to invest in your oral health—contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the next step towards achieving the smile you deserve.

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1410 Broadway, #3004
New York, NY 10018
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM-5:30 PM
Saturday by Appointment
Sunday Closed
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